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Reading Philosophy: Selected Texts With a Method for Beginners
Reading Philosophy: Selected Texts With a Method for Beginners
  • 定價:2113


    博客來-Reading Philosophy: Selected Texts With a Method for Beginners博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010186423


    This flexible introductory textbook explores several key themes in philosophy, and helps the reader learn to engage with the key arguments by introducing and analysing a selection of classic readings.

    • Fully integrated introductory text with readings for beginning students of philosophy.
    • Each chapter focusses on a core philosophical topic, and contains an introduction to the topic, 2 classic readings and interactive commentaries on the readings.
    • An introductory book which doesn't merely tell the reader about the subject, but requires them to engage philosophically with the text.
    • A pedagogical resource developed in the classroom by the authors at the University of London.


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